Sunday, December 20, 2009

Package of cards

Hello! It is EARLY on Sunday morning and the snowplow woke Layla who decided to bark for 5 minutes, so that means I'm now awake and I remembered that I had these cards to post! I can't wait for it to get light out so I can see how Layla (our new dog) reacts to the 6"-8" of snow we have outside. I've got my new Flip camera all ready!! are a few cards I made for gifts to go along with some other items I put together to give away this week.

The first card is a DeNami image with an Inkadinkado sentiment. (I love this sentiment). I paper pieced the girl's dress and colored the rest with markers. I finally used some of the dog bone brads that I've owned for about 4 years!!
This is a CAS card if there ever was one! I had the fire hydrant paper and matched it with another Inkadinkado sentiment. Added the ribbon and voila!
I guess I'm noticing that Inkadinkado were the stamps to grab for this round of cardmaking, huh? Here's another set used:

Finally, some PTI stamps come into the mix! I used the flower stamps from Button Bits set and their polka dot stamp as well. I added some Amuse clouds and a Hero Arts sentiment.

Lastly, this is a Studio G stamp colored with prisma pencils and punched out with a Marvy scallop punch. I used the Cuttlebug swirl embossing folder and a little bling in the lower corner.
Oh - I just remembered my dream last night too - I had to teach a prisma pencil coloring class because the teacher (my high school English teacher - where'd THAT come from?) didn't show up and I was the only one who had used the pencils before....oh...those poor students! I guess the Indian food we ate last night gave me dream-indigestion!

Anyways....thanks for taking a look today! If you've been blanketed with snow...I hope you enjoy it!


  1. What a great collection of cards. Love the fireplugs with fun sentiment and the PTI button card is a favorite too.

    Couldn't sleep either...We got 20 inches of snow and there was a banging noise I kept hearing. Don't know if it was from the wind, something on the roof or just the plows.

    Stay warm and have a wonderful holiday!

  2. What a fantastic set of cards! That purple one is amazing - your coloring on the birdie is just fabulous! What a terrific set! Great job!

  3. Yep, we're right there with you with the snow here in Rhode Island. Kids and the dog had a blast playing in it. All your cards are great, thanks for sharing all of them!

  4. What a great bunch of cards. I really like the sentiment on the fire hydrant card and the little clouds on the button flowers card.


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