Thanks for taking a moment to check out the info for our Craft Sale for Pups!

My regular blog readers know I'm involved in dog rescue!  I've been a long time volunteer at the Connecticut Humane Society in Westport, Connecticut, where I walk dogs three to four times a week. I help bathe, socialize and love the pups waiting to be adopted.  I have fostered dogs, I have transported dogs for rescue runs, I have transported dogs to sanctuaries and donated money towards animals with medical issues.

In 2011, we held a Tag Sale for Haylee (below) - a bull terrier that desperately needed to get out of the shelter due to behavior decline. We needed money to get her into a behavior rehabilitation facility.

We were able to meet that goal AND had extra to help more animals in need.

But our funds are now running low - so we're holding another Tag Sale but have also decided to hold a Craft Sale on the same day!

So what am I asking for from my fellow crafters? 

Greeting cards
Card sets
 General crafts
anything you'd be willing to donate to our Craft Sale.  

If you're looking to purge some craft supplies - we'd  put those for sale 
at our "Tag Sale" area.

ALL money collected from sales will go into our fund that will continue to help animals in need.

Craft Donations can be sent to me:
Maria Lovello
8 Middle Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06903

Be sure to add your name/blog address to anything you send so you get credit!!!

Our Tag and Craft sale will be held on Saturday, April 20th at my house - so donations are welcome to come in right up until the last day!

If you can't donate  - all I ask is that you share this info on your blog.  
Every bit of traffic will help collect donations!

Here are just some of the pups we've been able to help!

Skip - went to Sanctuary

Ava - helped with costs for leg amputation and back surgery

Shorey - helped with costs for back surgery

Taz - sent to behavior rehabilitation 

Before: Chippy was pulled out of puppy mill with no use of back legs

After: Chippy after our donation helped his rescue group purchase wheels!

Baby Girl - only 1.3 lbs. Donation helped with her medical bills

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love that you are doing this, Maria, and I will definitely try to put some stuff together for you. :)

  2. I'll get this on my blog today Maria and will also try to help! WAY TO GO!!!

  3. I'll send you some of my cards--hope you'll be able to sell them. We support our local shelter but they don't do a craft sale & I'm always ready to help doggies in need. I admire what you do!

  4. OH maria, your post just broke my heart ~ my daughter is involved with the BDRR in Wellington, FL but you are truly dedicated! I'll add this to my sidebar and get a box to you. My heart always sides with the furbabies and will do what I can to help you out. Blessings!

  5. Such a great cause! Stumbled across your blog while hopping around. I already have an envelope of cards addressed and ready to be mailed in the am. Best of luck on your sale!


Thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback! Your comments are appreciated!!