Wednesday, September 7, 2011



Yes - we've adopted a new doggy!  Not that I 'needed' to replace Layla so quickly, but Buddy was waiting at the shelter and not handling the kennel too well. I spent some time with him there and felt he would fit in 'pretty' seamlessly to our household.  So, when Hurricane Irene came through, the shelter lost power and had to move most of the dogs and cats out to avoid disease, I took the opportunity to 'foster' Buddy for a few days to see how he would do at home.

He did quite well AND he came to Frank when Frank called him!! LOL.  So after about 5 days, Frank gave the nod to making him a full-fledged family member.  So, he became official yesterday.  He's a 6 year old boxer/pitbull/hound - a good ol' fashioned "MUTT"

Here are a few pictures of him getting VERY comfortable in the house:

Getting comfy at Grandma's house

And, posing with his two new sisters.

And, this hasn't turned into a 'dog' blog!  I am crafting, but I haven't taken pictures or back soon!!!

Thanks for your visit!


Audrey Pettit said...

Awww, you guys are true angels! Big welcome to sweet Buddy! He's looking so very happy in these photos. :)
Love your new blog banner, too. The candy corn framework just makes me smile.

Kathy and Lucky said...

He is so cute and looks like he has a big old smile in the picture on his back. Seems like he blended quite well into the family. So happy for you and the family.

jimlynn said...

Mutt or not....Buddy is a cute one!! Look at that precious face and those eyes......I know he's going to be so happy with you Maria. Love the photo of him with his little head on that pillow! Total relaxation!

Monica said...

Hi Maria,

Such wonderful news... Am glad that you have got Buddy... he looks so sweet. I love the colour of his coat. And sure, he is comfortable.

xxx Monica

Anonymous said...

What sweet furbabies!!! We have a dog and two cats. I just <3 animals :-) Just found your blog and wanted to let you know how much I love it and love all your craft fair ideas as well. I grew up in CT but live in NC now. Saw you were from CT. Look forward to following your blog! -Sam :-)

Kelly Codd Greatrex said...

YAY - this is great news! He is soo handsome and happy looking! And he looks like he fits right in!

Cheryl said...

Awww, look at that cute little face! I just want to give him a treat. Congrats to you and Buddy!

Meg said...

Oh what a CUTIE-PIE!! I bet that smile makes him think he can get away will all sorts of mischief! Glad to see he had no problem making himself right at home! Congrats!!!

Anne Marie Hile said...

Maria, I had to catch up on your posts to see who that adorable new face was in your blog header! Congrats o your new addition! Buddy is such a sweetie and he looks like he is fitting in nicely! Give him (and his sisters) a BIG hug from me and the boys! :)

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